Improving the lives of the
communities we serve

Supporting global communities through WaterAid.

For millions of people around the world, life without clean water, decent toilets or good hygiene is a reality. WaterAid Australia works with local partners to help communities access these essential amenities.

We were a sponsor of the first WaterAid Gala Ball in Melbourne in 2004. This marked the beginning of a long relationship, and the business has been a proud supporter of WaterAid ever since.

In 2013, Geoff Weaver visited Timor-Leste to learn about the vibrant culture as well as the hardships the communities face. Our Chief Operating Officer, David Lilley, followed suit in 2015 and learnt firsthand the difference even the most basic amenities can make to the health and happiness of the people within these communities.

Supporting WaterAid Australia has been our chance to give back to the global community. Through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives, we have been able to support the incredible work WaterAid does to bring safe drinking water and sanitation to communities in need.

Visit WaterAid

Leveling the playing field for disadvantaged youth.

A staggering 1.2 million young people are living below the poverty line in Australia alone. The Smith Family has been supporting children and families for over 100 years, with its sights firmly set on breaking the cycle of poverty by supporting the education of children in need.

Since 2016, Interflow has been a proud supporter of The Smith Family through programs like the Christmas Toy and Book Appeal their Learning for Life initiative. Learning for Life provides more than 57,000 young Australians with the support they need to secure a brighter future through early education.

Today, Interflow sponsors 36 students around Australia, enabling them better access to educational resources to support their career aspirations.

Visit The Smith Family

Empowering Indigenous young people through education

Visit the GO Foundation